The Expertise You'll Acquire Through Our Postgraduate PGDip and MSc in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine


Expedition and wilderness medicine, an essential field for the well-being of individuals in remote environments where medical services are scarce, has gained significant recognition due to the increasing popularity of travel to such areas.

A Postgraduate Qualification in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine from Learna | Diploma MSc encompasses a broad range of skills and knowledge. The role of expedition medics is not just limited to emergency response but also involves extensive planning and administration before and during the expedition, including pre-assessment, vaccinations, medical kit preparation, casualty evacuation, security, and communications, all crucial for successful expeditions. This may involve assessing the health of group members, environmental risk assessment, assembling medical kits, and providing immunisation advice.

The field also places a strong emphasis on mental health, recognising the unique psychological challenges faced in wilderness settings. Conditions like delirium, which can be triggered by factors ranging from electrolyte imbalances to altitude sickness, require comprehensive medical assessment. Mental health crises in these settings necessitate a nuanced approach, balancing confidentiality with the need for information sharing among the expedition team.

Our postgraduate courses in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

The Postgraduate Diploma and Master's in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine offered by Learna | Diploma MSc are designed for healthcare professionals seeking to specialise in this field. The PGDip course spans one year and covers various environments like polar, mountain, desert, and tropical, focusing on planning and executing safe expeditions and handling medical challenges in these settings.

The MSc programme, extending over two years, builds on the PGDip curriculum, adding research methodology and a professional project focused on a topic of personal interest in expedition and wilderness medicine. Both courses are delivered online, allowing flexible learning.

A postgraduate degree in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine is more than an academic achievement; it's a transformative experience that equips you with a unique set of skills. These skills are not just applicable in remote and challenging environments but also enhance your overall medical practice, making you a more versatile and capable healthcare professional.

Whether you're drawn to the thrill of expeditions or passionate about providing medical care in the most challenging settings, a qualification in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine is your gateway to a fulfilling and exciting career in extreme medicine.

Skills and knowledge

By completing one of our Postgraduate courses in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine you will acquire the following skills and knowledge:

1. Advanced Medical Knowledge
A core component of any expedition medicine course is the comprehensive medical knowledge tailored to remote settings. You'll delve into areas like trauma management, environmental illnesses, and emergency care, with a focus on conditions prevalent in wilderness areas. This specialised training prepares you for real-world scenarios where medical resources are limited and extreme medicine is required.

2. Practical Problem-Solving Skills
Wilderness medicine courses are designed to enhance your problem-solving skills. You'll learn to make quick, effective decisions in unpredictable environments, often with limited resources. This skill is invaluable, not only in expedition settings but also in any emergency medical situation.

3. Leadership and Teamwork
Leadership is a critical skill in expedition and wilderness medicine. During your course, you'll be part of teams facing simulated emergency scenarios, where leadership and teamwork are essential for success. These experiences will hone your ability to lead, communicate, and collaborate effectively in high-pressure situations.

4. Adaptability and Resilience
Adaptability and resilience are at the heart of expedition medicine. The course will test and strengthen your ability to cope with physical and emotional challenges, from navigating harsh environments to managing the psychological impact of critical medical situations.

5. Environmental Awareness and Conservation
A unique aspect of a postgraduate course in expedition and wilderness medicine is the emphasis on environmental awareness and conservation. You'll learn about the impact of human activity on natural environments and how to minimise it, integrating sustainability into your medical practice.

Career Prospects

Earning a postgraduate certificate in expedition and wilderness medicine opens up a range of career opportunities. Graduates can work as medical professionals on expeditions in various environments, such as mountains, deserts, polar regions, and tropical areas. You will be equipped to manage health and safety in these challenging settings.

Opportunities also exist in providing medical support for adventure tourism, outdoor education, and for organisations involved in humanitarian efforts in remote areas. Additionally, an expedition medicine qualification enhances prospects in research, teaching, and consultation in the field of extreme medicine, broadening the scope of career development in this specialised and growing area of healthcare

Apply Now

Don’t miss your chance to further your career in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine. Enrol in our online, part-time postgraduate diploma or MSc, and embark on a learning journey that will help shape your future. Join the many healthcare professionals who have chosen Learna | Diploma MSc and move onto the next stage of your professional development.