Embarking on a journey of academic and professional excellence, Dr. Chinedu Michael Dike stands out as a prime example of a dedicated Learna student. His commitment to both professional and personal development in the field of diabetes care and research is nothing short of impressive. Driven by a passion cultivated during his undergraduate years, he has not only earned a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB; BS) degree from the University of Ibadan but has also contributed significantly to the scientific community with publications in esteemed platforms like the Ibadan Medical Specialists Group (IMSG) and the peer-reviewed journal Dokita.
His pursuit of knowledge is further underscored by the prestigious 2018 Merck Foundation Diabetes Award, propelling him to pursue advanced degrees with Learna | Diploma MSc. Currently doing his Family Medicine residency training at the Niger Foundation Hospital and Diagnostic Centre in Enugu, Dr. Chinedu Michael Dike exemplifies the essence of a Learna student ā one dedicated to continuous growth and impactful contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of medicine and research.
We had the pleasure of chatting with him and our discussion unveiled valuable insights into his experiences and perspectives that we believe will resonate with our curious and ambitious future learners.
How did the PGDip in Diabetes benefit your practice?
Completing Learna's Diabetes Postgraduate Diploma course, enriched my understanding from historical contexts to key clinical trials shaping today's diabetes guidelines. Post-Diploma, I spearheaded the annual World Diabetes Day at Niger Foundation Hospital, promoting diabetes education and offering free screenings. The fourth edition reached a rural health centre, 40 km from Enugu, benefiting hundreds.
My MSc dissertation focused on "Current trends in the management of diabesity in Africa," emphasising lifestyle modifications for cost-effective care. My postgraduate programmes validated by the University of South Wales have greatly improved the quality of my clinical practice by making it more evidence-based, and my patients receive better care as a result.
Tell us about the recognition you have received since completing the online diabetes course?
Following my completion of the postgraduate diabetes course, particularly during my MSc convocation in January 2023, I applied for membership with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Highlighting my PGDip Diabetes and MSc qualifications, I was granted a solidarity membership with waived fees. Additionally, my abstract from my MSc dissertation was accepted for the 2023 International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Virtual Congress. Delivered as an e-poster, the abstract will be published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, the official journal of the International Diabetes Federation.
How well supported were you during your research work?
My supervisor and tutor, Dr. Ahmed Waheed, was a great support for me during the course. He believed in me, even when I doubted my capabilities. He was the one who encouraged me to apply for EASD membership and to send my abstract to the IDF Congress. I consider myself fortunate to have had such an amazing supervisor. Obviously, we are still in contact today, even though we have never met in person, as my programmes were virtual.
What does it take to succeed in this course?
It takes diligence, determination, and dedication. One might add a fourth 'Dā: deadlines. You have to be able to meet deadlines! The modules are time-based. I had to learn to combine the online learning activities with my professional work as a medical doctor. It was not without challenges, but it was definitely worthwhile.
What would you say to students who are considering studying this course?
To all those considering studying this diabetes education programme, I encourage you to stay focused. The course will broaden your horizons and open doors for you. Your commitment to success is paramount.
Why study with Learna | Diploma MSc?
Upon successful completion of our esteemed diabetes postgraduate course, you'll acquire a diverse set of invaluable skills, innovative approaches, fresh perspectives, and enhanced ways of thinking. The carefully curated curriculum blends a variety of modules, offering students a compelling mix that provides clear direction and vision for advancing their practice. If you're eager to explore the specifics of each module, detailed information is available on our diabetes PgDip page.
Moreover, at Learna, you're in the driver's seat! Enjoy the flexibility of logging on everyday and learning with no fixed timetables or lectures, allowing you to study at your convenience. Our courses stand out as the most cost-effective in their category, with no international surcharge and the option of interest-free payment plans, making quality education accessible to everyone.
Ready to boost your career by tackling diabetes head-on? If so, applications for our March 2024 intake are now open, and you can submit your application for our well-established diabetes courses for health professionals.